iollogoPhone (319) 626-3295
Fax (319) 626-7257
Help Desk (319) 626-6129


What is the minimum connection speed that each participant needs in order to watch the presentation and see everything that is being displayed?
Answer: 14.4 Modem or better

Does the participant need to download a module or is a module automatically downloaded to the participants PC in order for the presentation to run?
Answer: NO, put nothing on the participant PC except a temporary “cookie” to track “More Information” requests during the presentation. This “cookie” goes away as soon as the browser is closed.

Does there have to be any certain port opened in the customers firewall?
Answer: NO, We use only standard HTML pages and use the standard port. If the customer can see regular web pages, our presentation will work.

How current a revision of the browsers is required to function properly?

  • a. Internet Explorer = 3 or above
  • b. Netscape = 3.01 or above

Will it work equally well on Internet Explorer or Netscape?
Answer: Yes

Are polls available and are the results available after the presentation?
Answer: Yes to both

Is slide creation and conversion included with the service or is the presenter/client required to create or convert the slides to the proper format for the presentation?
Answer: Included with service

Are registration services available (phone, fax, online)?
Answer: Yes to all

Are slides available in different formats for the participants to use before, during or after the presentation for notes?
Answer: Yes, Word and PDF (compatible across many different operating systems and platforms)

Will the presentation software work on different operating systems (Windows, Apple, Linux, Unix)?
Answer: Yes
