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Help Desk (319) 626-6129
Is a moderator and helpdesk provided with each presentation?
Answer: Yes, both are provided
Does one slow connection to the Internet affect everyone else on the presentation?
Answer: No
Are there multiple ways of getting questions to the speaker?
Answer: Yes
Are slides formatted specifically to display well on the Web?
Answer: Yes. We take the speakers presentation and format it specifically for the web. Conversion programs can leave out lines or distort pictures, making some slides difficult to read.
Is there a backup server available if there are problems?
Answer: Yes
Is there an online operator available to assure everyone can hear and that there are no phone bridge problems?
Answer: Yes
Is travel involved?
Answer: This exercise is designed to allow you to remain on your location. All that is needed is a meeting room big enough to hold all of the individuals that you have asked to participate.
What equipment is needed?
Answer: We will be using audio conferencing with Internet visual support to conduct this Desktop Drill. The phone system needed depends on the number of people invited to each site. If a large number have been invited, you will need speaker phones with enough volume so everyone can hear, plus a microphone system to allow anyone who wants to talk to be able to get close enough so that other participants at other locations can hear, also.
If using Internet Explorer, what does hitting the F11 key do to my computer while watching the Desktop Drill?
Answer: It removes some of the Tool Bars at the top of the screen, allowing more of the body of the exercise to be shown at one time.
How do you put the Tool Bars back after hitting the F11 key?
Answer: Just hit the F11 key one more time.
How do we hear the audio portion of the exercise?
Answer: The audio portion of the Desktop Drill is heard by calling into a traditional teleconference center and entering the phone pass code that is listed on the access sheet sent before the drill. You will be asked for the pass code by the answering operator.
How do I get on the internet to watch the exercise?
Answer: The visual portion of the Desktop Drill is viewed by accessing the Instruct-online website and clicking the red word “Webinar” under the Webinar section of the home page (located on the left); the next screen will have a place to enter the pass code, then click the “Submit” button. Please enter your name and organization in the spaces provided, and then click “Enter Webinar”. The slides will advance automatically.